Twitter Profiles for 14 Groups Supporting Women in Technology and Cybersecurity

By IT Security Planet

May 18, 2016 In today’s world of technology and cybersecurity, teams of professionals face mind-blowing security challenges and must be on their “A” game at all times. The Twittersphere is full of female InfoSec and cybersecurity experts sharing their thoughts, research and news on a wide range of topics: vulnerabilities, viruses, malware, application security, DevOps, data breaches, privacy, bug bounties, responsible disclosure, threat intelligence, privacy and more.

If you are looking for a new exciting role, an expert who is sharing intel, or perhaps are someone who wants to learn and connect with others in this field, then this is the list for you. We have compiled a list of the top 14 Twitter pages based on their follower numbers, starting with the highest.