Q&A with WISP OffensiveCon Scholar: Juliette

OffensiveCon partnered with WISP to cover flights, hotels, conference tickets and training for their offensive security conference in Germany. WISP scholars from all over the world attended thanks to this partnership and support! Below is a Q&A with one of the 2021 WISP OffensiveCon Scholars, Juliette.

Which specific skills did you enjoy learning at OffensiveCon?

I enjoyed learning how hypervisors work by implementing the key steps so an Operating System can actually boot on it. It is a really great training, I recommend it. I liked to see how to trace the execution of the guest OS. The conference was also full of high quality talks, mainly about vulnerabilities and exploitation on several systems. My favorite talk was the one about Javascript Engines.

What was a fun moment from OffensiveCon?

The whisky bar! I love to taste new things so it was nice to try several brands of whisky. I don't remember its name, but the one with 60° of alcohol was good (but strong!). It was a really convivial time to meet new people.

I met many experts in various fields, and the organizers were very friendly. It was also nice to have a meal with the other scholars.

Juliette's pictures from the trip:

The flight:

This picture was from a restaurant near the hotel that was selling Hacker beer!

Thank you OffensiveCon for your partnership with WISP!